The Consumer Commerce Catalyst | Is the term ‘High Street’ an anachronism ?
The Consumer Commerce Catalyst | Is the term ‘High Street’ an anachronism ? To obtain a FREE copy of this full report, please contact IORMA HERE
The Consumer Commerce Catalyst | Is the term ‘High Street’ an anachronism ? To obtain a FREE copy of this full report, please contact IORMA HERE
Why AI can’t solve everything … yet ! artificial-intelligence-503593_1920/flickr Vyacheslav Polonski, University of Oxford The hysteria about the future of artificial intelligence (AI) is everywhere. There seems to be no shortage of sensationalist news about how AI could cure diseases, accelerate human innovation and improve human creativity. Just looking at the media headlines, you might […]
Facial recognition technology will change the way we live | The Economist The Economist Published on 1 Nov 2017
World Economic Forum | Center for the Fourth Industrial Revolution World Economic Forum Published on 9 Feb 2018 http://www.weforum.org/
The House of Lords Select Committee on Artificial Intelligence has now received the Government response to the report: AI in the UK: ready, willing and able?, The Government response can be found here As the Government response has now been received, a debate will be timetabled in the House of Lords. To see what the […]
Alibaba Backs New Research Program to Address Digital Challenges Jenny W. Hsu | June 27, 2018 Article and Images courtesy of Alibaba Group this week formed the Luohan Academy, a global research program that aims to address the emerging economic consequences and social disruptions of a digital economy. “Luohan” is a Buddhist term for “perfected […]
UK Government and industry to work together to put the UK at the forefront of AI technologies Published 26 June 2018 From: Department for Digital, Culture, Media & Sport, Department for Business, Energy & Industrial Strategy, and The Rt Hon Matt Hancock MP UK Government and industry to work together to put the UK at the […]
Five ways to save Britain’s struggling high streets Silent night. Shutterstock. Cathy Parker, Manchester Metropolitan University; Simon Quin, Manchester Metropolitan University, and Steve Millington, Manchester Metropolitan University April 17, 2018 11.58am BST The high street, or the main shopping area, has always been the heart of any UK town or city. But over the last […]
Five ways bricks-and-mortar shops can survive the onslaught of e-commerce Despite closures, there’s still room for real life shopping. Imran’s Photography / Shutterstock.com Claire McCamley, University of Huddersfield June 15, 2018 2.02pm BST Rarely a week goes by without news of a household high street name shutting up shop or closing stores. The rise of […]
Tmall Launches Try-Before-You-Buy Service Christine Chou | June 16, 2018 Article and Images courtesy of Tmall on Saturday introduced a “try before you buy” option for fashion fans shopping on the platform. In a market where e-commerce is already ubiquitous, the B2C marketplace said it wanted to make shopping even more convenient by eliminating the […]
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