Fast Future’s Life in 2025: “Say Hello Say Goodbye” Scenarios – The Technology Context

Published on February 13, 2020

Rohit Talwar
Futurist Keynote Speaker – Human Centred Digital Transformation
By Rohit Talwar, Steve Wells, and Alexandra Whittington
Across the technologically mature economies, citizens, society, businesses, and governments alike are becoming aware of the emergence of powerful technologies and their potential to reshape every aspect of human activity. The names of rapidly advancing technologies are becoming part of our everyday experience, even if we don’t fully understand their functionality, capabilities, long-term potential impacts, or implications. There is though, a growing understanding and expectation that our lives will be increasingly dependent on, and enhanced by, the coming together of a range of these technologies.
The most impactful of these exponentially advancing technologies are likely to be 5G communications, smartphones, smart wearable and embedded devices such as watches, artificial intelligence (AI), machine learning (ML), big data, cloud computing, smart objects, smart speakers, home automation, blockchain, digital currencies, augmented reality (AR), virtual reality (VR), 3D printing, drones, robotics, sensors, the Internet of Things (IoT), and quantum computing.
So, how might these technologies combine to create previously unimaginable changes in everything from lifestyles, relationships, and work, to our food, leisure, and travel experiences? To explore these possibilities, the Life in 2025: Say Hello Say Goodbye Scenarios were developed for Huawei Consumer Business Group. The scenarios preview what we could see emerge across ten different aspects of human activity by the year 2025: Dating, Leisure Time, Friends and Family, Food and Dining, Entertainment, Fashion and Beauty, Travel, Health and Wellness, The Workplace, and Communication. We will be sharing these scenarios in the coming days.
The ten scenarios will be enabled by key breakthroughs in six key technologies:
- Artificial Intelligence (AI) – The major impacts in our lives will start to unfold when we begin to see specific aspects of human level (or higher) intelligence emerging in key consumer facing applications such as dating apps and travel management.
- 5G communications – The roll out of sufficient 5G infrastructure will enable the development of game-changing services, new tools, and applications that rely on high speed connectivity on the move.
- The Internet of Things (IoT) – The true transformational impact of IoT will start to unfold when we see internet-connected sensors being embedded in previously unconnected physical objects including street signs, household furniture, and even our clothing. Such connectivity will enable consumers to interact with these objects via their smartphone, smart screen, or tablet.
- Big Data – The next big wave of developments in big data will see the emergence of easy access large-scale data management tools. These will enable individuals and the smallest of businesses to start extracting insight and value from the sea of information surrounding them – with minimum effort.
- Cloud Computing – Cloud is a critical enabler for some of the radical large-scale AI applications on the horizon. The shift to widespread adoption of cloud computing by leading businesses in every sector will lead to a massive expansion in the capabilities of cloud providers. This in turn will drive up the range of consumer facing cloud applications.
- Augmented Reality (AR) and Virtual Reality (VR) – A combination of lower costs and enhanced functionality will see AR and VR tools embedded in, and bundled with, smartphone and tablet purchases. This will drive the development and take up of consumer facing applications in everything from home entertainment and street experiences, through to travel and education.
The authors are futurists with Fast Future – a professional foresight firm specializing in delivering keynote speeches, executive education, research, and consulting on the emerging future and the impacts of change for global clients. Please visit